Local Organizations

Retired Coaches

We were contacted about re-doing the website for the Nor-Cal Retired Coaches Association (Nor-Cal RCA). They’re a local organization dedicated to awarding scholarships to deserving graduating high school student athletes, based on selected criteria, to assist them in pursuing educational opportunities at accredited colleges, universities, or technical institutions. The Nor-Cal RCA was started in 2013 by a group of retired coaches who realized that retired coaches could get together and become a source of help for the young people coming out of High School. Any and all coaches would enjoy being a part of this group and it would be open to all regardless of the kind of sports they coached and at any level. Since their inceptions, Nor-Cal RCA has awarded over $140,000 in scholarships to students from a variety of North State schools!

The older website Nor-Cal Retired Coaches was using was a Squarespace. We got in and updated the look, added new pictures, modified the layout and made it more user-friendly. We worked with Beth and Cheryle to show them how they could easily make needed changes and keep it updated.

Nor-Cal Retired Coaches - Sundial Design
Make It Simple

Your website needs to be easy to look at, get around and not filled with too many distractions.

Build it Clean

A clean website loads up much faster and you’ll get preference in google searches as well.

Design it Modern

Every business has its own unique style. We want your website to reflect that individuality.