Lassen Ranch
Lassen Ranch is nestled in the high mountains of the Sierra Nevadas in Northern California. The Ranch is surrounded by the Lassen National Wilderness, just outside Mineral, California. Lassen Ranch was originally homesteaded in the late 1800’s and has a long and rich history.
In the middle 1990’s the Lassen Ranch began its present journey back to its roots with the focus on breeding, raising and training the American Quarter Horse. The ranches very limited brood mare band have a traditional cutting horse foundation which includes Doc O’lena, Bueno Chex, Smart Little Lena, Royal Blue Boon and Lenard Milligan. These foundational bloodlines are being crossed with modern bloodlines with a focus on two great sons of the legendary Metallica Cat: include Stevie Rey Von, and Hashtag. The ranch also breeds annually to Bet Hesa Cat, and the Lassen Ranch resident stallion, LR Blue Mate (Mecom Blue x OK Mate by Smartmate).
Although the ranches facility is small by modern standards, the seasonal training facility is exceptionally constructed and well maintained. The training facility includes a 145′ x 290′ arena; and two round pens. The larger cutting round pen is 110′ in diameter. All training areas have six inches of compacted decomposed granite with three to six inches of washed sand. View LassenRanch.com website to see what horses are coming up for sale and to check out the B &B cabins available to rent! Lassen Ranch is beautiful place to visit.